Lloyd chiropractic tables

Lloyd chiropractic tables

From Lloyd table company

Lloyd Table Company  in the US has since 1963 produced chiropractic tables and is one of the worlds biggest manufactures of tables. The founder Dr. Lloyd Steffenmeier is educated as chiropractor and started up the production in his basement in connection with his practice. Lloyd wants to deliver a table with high patient comfort and with the possibility of manual or automatic drops on all table sections. 

New Lloyd chiropractic treatment table for your clinic

Vi er leveringsdygtige i alle typer Lloyd behandlingsborde og vejleder gerne i valget af dit næste Lloyd behandlingsbord.

Skal dit Lloyd behandlingsbord serviceres eller har du brug for at få skiftet en reservedel, så står vi også gerne klar til at hjælpe dig. Kontakt gerne Michael Christensen så I sammen kan finde den helt rigtige løsning for dit behandlingsbord